New Etsy Shop!

I now have an online store where you can find beautiful prints and original artwork for sale! Isn’t the internet a wonderful place?! This is a pretty big step for me, and I’m interested to see how it goes- let me know what you think, and any suggestions for improvements are always welcomed!

You can view items for sale on my Etsy site here:

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Water Studies

A new collection of work is starting to take shape! While the summer temperatures have kept creeping up and up, I’ve been spending plenty of time seeking both shade and water for my dog Ray on our daily excursions. Fortunately, some of these shady spots have revealed exquisite little pockets of light and texture when sun and water combine in ever-changing combinations. By experimenting with exposure times and focal lengths, I’ve had a few happy accidents where the water starts to become pure texture and surface in a completely abstract way. The best of these transcend their humble subjects to become something very painterly and, if I may, quite fluid in their appearance. I hope to continue on this series for some time to come!

School’s Out!

With the school year at an end, we set out for a little cultural excursion to Mexico, spending 4 days in Mexico City and 4 days in Oaxaca. So much to take in, so much to digest (which went more or less as is to be expected from a trip to Mexico). Still recovering in more ways than one, but here are a few images from our travels.